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Earn Bitcoin (BTC) by completing simple Task & Get thousands of user in your website or Telegram projects.

What can do this bot?Earn Bitcoin by completing simple tasks.

? Visit sites
? Join bots
? Join chats
? View posts
? Extra Bonus

? Start advertising with as little as 5000 Satoshi

Group: @AdsgramGroup
Support: @AdsgramAdmin

This bot was developed by, a get paid to (GPT) service that uses cryptocurrency to process payments.

To verify that this bot is really ours, visit and make sure the link on that page brings you to the same bot you are using to read this message.

Any bot that is not listed on that page is not affiliated with us.

Using this bot, you can:

- Earn Bitcoin by visiting sites, joining chats, messaging bots, or reading post.
- Promote your own websites, posts, bots, channels, and/or supergroups.
- Withdraw your balance at any time, with NO deposit required.

Here's how to earn Bitcoin using this bot:

Visit websites:
1. Press 🖥 Visit sites and wait for an ad to show up.
2. Press 🔎 Go to website to visit the site.
3. Stay on the site for the required amount of time to get your reward.

Message bots:
1. Press 🤖 Message bots and wait for an ad to show up.
2. Press ✉ Message bot and send a message to the bot.
3. Forward the message you get from the bot back to @adsgram_btc_bot to get your reward.

Join channels/groups:
1. Press 📣 Join chats and wait for an ad to show up.
2. Go to the Telegram channel/group and join it.
3. Press ✅ Joined and stay in the chat to get your reward.

Read Telegram Post:
1. Press 📝 View posts and wait for an ad to show up.
2. Read the post for getting reward.
3. Press ✅ Watched to get your reward.

Here are all my commands:

/menu - Show the main menu
/visit - Earn by clicking links
/bots - Earn by messaging bots
/join - Earn by joining chats
/posts - Earn by viewing post
/myads - Manage your ads
/newad - Create a new ad
/level - Check your level
/booster - check status of booster
/claim - Claim free BTC
/contest - Check current contest
/balance - Show your balance
/deposit - Deposit funds
/withdraw - Withdraw funds
/history - Show transactions
/referrals - Show your referrals
/help - Show help
/cancel - Cancel current action
/profile - View or Edit profile
/lang - set bot language

Visit our Telegraph page for more info.

Join our Group at @AdsgramGroup 📢
For technical support, message @AdsgramAdmin 📞

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Show the main menu
Earn by clicking links
Earn by messaging bots
Earn by joining chats
Earn by viewing post
Manage your ads
Create a new ad
Check your level
check status of booster
Claim free BTC
Check current contest
Show your balance
Deposit funds
Withdraw funds
Show transactions
Show your referrals
Show help
Cancel current action
View or Edit profile
set bot language
Поделиться ботом
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