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⋆ ꩜ ‧₊˚: 505 | ??? ˚୨୧⋆。 i think i’m falling for u

What can do this bot?hi , Nice to meet you

If you have started, you have to remember this.
☆ maybe you should read this @dibalikbotitu
☆ kalo ga niat add , gausah di add daripada di block .
☆ kalo sudah di add jangan jadi user ghaib , buat apa add bot ini kalo ghaib .
☆ kalo sudah bosan gunain /unsubsribe
☆ adm yg minta #pm wajib di pmb , kalo udh di pm-in minimal tau diri kita sama² adm bot yang nyari user.

ᥫ᭡ ch : @zelgfmrvel
want sfs?

Thank you for adding, I hope you enjoy. and literacy is requested.

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