I can create sticker quotes from messages in groups. Author contact: @arisudesu_contact_bot
What can do this bot?I can create sticker quotes from messages in groups.
I will help create a quote from a post.
bot can work both in private messages and in groups
⚙️ Available commands:
/q [in response to the message] - make a quote from the message
Available flags for the /q command:
hex code or color name: #cbafff or indigo - make a quote with color #cbafff
Digit: 3 - make a quote from 3 posts down
random: random quote color
reply or r: make a quote with saving answers
p or png - make a PNG quote
i or img - make a quote as a picture
rate - add a rating to a quote
Example of using flags:
/q white rp
/q i red
/q r #cbafff
Only for administrators:
/qs ?? [in response to message] - saves a sticker/photo/document with a photo to a sticker pack of a group with emoji ?? (emoji can be any and any number)
/qd [in response to the message] - remove the sticker from the sticker pack of group
/qb - set emoji brand. Available: apple, google, twitter, joypixels, blob
/qcolor green - set the color of quotes green by default (hex code or color name)
/qemoji - change the emoji suffix for stickers
/qrate - enable/disable rating of quotes
/qrand - random a quote with a positive rating of
/qtop - top group quotes
/help or /start - get this text
?? /lang - change the language
?? /lang - изменить язык
??? Developer blog: @arisudesu
I will help create a quote from a post.
bot can work both in private messages and in groups
⚙️ Available commands:
/q [in response to the message] - make a quote from the message
Available flags for the /q command:
hex code or color name: #cbafff or indigo - make a quote with color #cbafff
Digit: 3 - make a quote from 3 posts down
random: random quote color
reply or r: make a quote with saving answers
p or png - make a PNG quote
i or img - make a quote as a picture
rate - add a rating to a quote
Example of using flags:
/q white rp
/q i red
/q r #cbafff
/qcolor green - set the color of quotes green by default (hex code or color name)
/qs 🥰💜 [in response to message] [only for administrators] - saves a sticker/photo/document with a photo to a sticker pack of a group with emoji 🥰💜 (emoji can be any and any number)
/qd [in response to the message] [only for administrators] - remove the sticker from the sticker pack of group
/qrate [only for administrators] - enable/disable rating of quotes
/qrand - random a quote with a positive rating of
/qtop - top group quotes
/emoji - change the emoji suffix for stickers
/help or /start - get this text
🇺🇸 /lang - change the language
🇷🇺 /lang - изменить язык
☕️ Buy coffee for developer: donate.lyo.su
👨🏻💻 Developer blog: @LyBlog
GitHub: github.com/LyoSU/quote-bot
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».
Встраиваемый бот (Inline)
Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.
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