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?? Арбитраж Bybit - BestChange ?? Arbitrage Bybit - BestChange Для ByBit \ For Binance @bestchange_binance_bot

What can do this bot?Бот для арбитража Bybit - BestChange.
Для Binance попробуйте @bestchange_binance_bot

?? Bot for arbitrage Bybit - BestChange.
For Binance try: @bestchange_binance_bot

?? Для межбиржевого арбитража \ ?? For cross-exchange arbitrage

? Info, welcome on board!

This bot will notify you about available 3-steps schemes: Exchange - BestChange - Exchange. Every scheme will give you information about steps to follow.

? To earn your first money we give you 500 free notifications ?. We recommend to spend your first profit ? on bot subscription (see command /subscribe).
? Start earning now!

ℹ️ By default your bot is configured with these settings:
MARGIN = 0.75%

You can wait for your first notification or change your configuration by running /config deposit margin maxnegativereviews minpositivereviews language command.
Ex: /config 1000 2.5 0 200 en
From now on bot will notify you about available schemes for deposits 1000 USDT and more with total margin 2.5% and more.
For the beginning we don't recommend to set your margin more than 2%.
⌚️ Please pay attention that depending on your configuration getting your first notification can take some time.

ℹ️ Other commands:
/config - check your current bot setup
/margin - to setup min and max margin
/start_notifications - start notifications
/stop_notifications - stop notifications (for ex, in the evening, or while you are busy). To resume, use /start_notifications command

Feel free to join our chat here: @p2pmonsterchat

? Your referral link:
Share this link with your friends and receive gifts! For every new user, we will give you 500 extra notifications/schemes!

Our bots:
Interexchange bot
Binance Bot - BestChange
Bybit Bot - BestChange

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

инструкции \ start bot and get instructions
настройки \ your deposit, margin and other options
подписаться \ subscription
получить бонусы \ get bonuses
ваш блеклист \ your BestChange blacklist
вкл нотификации \ start notifications
выкл нотификации \ stop notifications
Поделиться ботом
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