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Display statistic of werewolf game inline within your group. -BETA VERSION- by:kirundadehhh

What can do this bot?Display statistic werewolf game inline in your group. -BETA VERSION- by:kirundadehhh

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set werewolf players in your group as our reference and their statistic will be automatically updated
while you are in a game, set up your player as our reference to get their statistic. You should run this command every game that you are playing
get most common role in your group e.g /mostgroup wolf
get most common role in your active game e.g /mostgame wolf
display players within your group who can use /statme command and involve in /mostgroup command
display players within your active game who can involve in /mostgroup and /randomkill command
let boboboibot choose to kill one whom it hates at most but at first type /setgame list_of_player
get your werewolf stats
list all commands
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