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It is in no way affiliated / endorsed by the owners of the game - which is available at

What can do this bot?This bot is a clone of the cardgame Cards Against Humanity, allowing you to play this over chat with your friends.

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Starts a new game of xyzzy with the players in the chat
Change the various game settings
Get the current game settings
Join a game of xyzzy that is in progress, or about to start
Leave a game of xyzzy
Gets the current status of the game
Returns this list of commands
Starts listening to the chat
Stops listening to the chat, until a START is entered.
Saves any outstanding in memory stuff to disk.
Returns an overview of the currently loaded plugins.
Sets quiet hours for the chat.
adds an chat administrator
removes a chat administrator
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