ChatIncognitoBot |
Chat Incognito Bot. Chat with random users anonymously and find new friends
What can do this bot??? Chat anonymously with girls and boys choosing age ? sex ?? and distance preferences?.
>>> No one will know who you really are! Only you!
?? Chatta con ragazzi e ragazze in base alle tue preferenze di età ? sesso?? e distanza ?.
>>> La chat è anonima! Nessuno saprà chi sei e che lo stai usando! Solo tu!
With this bot you can chat with boy and girls choosing you preferences about age ? gender ?? and distance ?.
The chat is anonymous and the people you chat with have no way to understand who you really are!
Choose you preferences with /settings
Report users with /report
Spam and illegal stuff are forbidden and punished wiht ban. Read more pressing /tos
Official channel: @ChatIncognitoBotChannel
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».