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? convert file as video. ? convert video as file. hit /help for more ⚠ pls do only one process at a time ⚠

What can do this bot?? convert file as video.
? convert video as file.
hit /help for more

⚠ pls do only one process at a time ⚠
© @leechergroup

Hai am Converter Bot..
I will Convert Telegram file to Streaming Video and streaming video to document file with Custom Thumbnail Support.
🍁 Send me telegram media to convert.
🍁 Send custom thumbnail, if u need.
🍁 Send Command as a reply to the media to convert.

Available Commands 👇:
/converttovideo - use this command to get streamable video
/converttofile - use this command to get document file
For more join 👉 : Support Group

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

check im alive or not
to check thumbnail exist or not
to get as streamable videos
to get as files
upgrade plan
to delete the saved thumbnail
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