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Converts audio media between general formats

What can do this bot?Converts audio media between general formats. Mainly could be used for lossless files conversion, but lossless-to-lossy conversion is also possible

Send me some audio (one file or more) or type /help

This bot may convert audio files between common formats, return some basic audio info, extract snippets, generate spectrograms of provided audio files.

When you add some audio in the queue, you can either use context menu for performing preferred action, or use following commands:

info — get audio information

snippet — extract shortcut of audio from the middle of track (useful for "pre-listening" before downloading from Telegram)

spec — generate spectrogram

flac, wav, aiff, mp3, aac — convert to specified format

cancel — clear the queue

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact @uoziod

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

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