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One of Telegram's most cunning group managers. Feel free to add her to your group! For help join

What can do this bot?One of Telegram's most cunning group managers.
Feel free to add her to your group!
Type /help for a list of available commands.

Based on @BanhammerMarie_bot

Hi Bot Info Bot, my name is Kate! If you have any questions on how to use me, read /help - and then head to @MarieSupport.

I'm a group manager bot maintained by this wonderful person. I'm built in python3, using the python-telegram-bot library, and am fully opensource - you can find what makes me tick here!

Feel free to submit pull requests on github, or to contact my maintainer.

You can find the list of available commands with /help.

Click here to add me in your groups

If you're enjoying using me, and/or would like to help my original creator, hit /donate to help fund/upgrade his VPS!

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Abuses the cunt
Add triggers to the blacklist
Set a warning filter on a certain keyword
List of admins in the chat
Bans a user
Bans the user who issued the command
Will get your or another user's bio
View the current blacklisted words
On new member, try to delete the previous welcome message
Clear note with this name
Clear the rules for this chat
Check the current status of disabled commands
Randomly answers yes/no/maybe
Demotes the user replied to
Disable that command
Deletes the message you replied to
Enable that commands
Add a filter to this chat
List all active filters in this chat
Get the current flood control setting
Deletes your information from the bot's database. Private chats only.
Get the note with a notename
Get the invite link for a specific chat
Reply to a sticker to me to upload its raw PNG file
Shows current goodbye settings
Gives a GoogleMaps link to the given place
Replying it to a message and I will reply with a grammar corrected version
Will translate to ; can also be a quote
Get the current group id. If used by replying to a message, gets that user's id.
Get information about a user
Gets invitelink
Kicks a user
Kicks the user who issued the command
List all possible toggleable commands
List all sudo users
List all support users
Lock items of a certain type
The current list of locks in this chat
A list of possible locktypes
Get log channel info
Find your favourite songs' lyrics
Let the note with this notename
Stop a warning filter
Silences a user
Silently pins the message replied to
Promotes the user replied to
Deletes the replied message, and messages following it
Reply to a message to report it to admins
Change report setting, or view current status
Reset to the default goodbye message
Resets warn counter for a user
Reset to the default welcome message
Restricts a user from sending stickers, gif, embed links or media
Join ears, nose, mouth and create an emo
Remove triggers from the blacklist
Roll a dice
Get the rules for this chat
Saves notedata as a note with name notename
Let the note with this notename
Silently bans a user
While replying, will save another user's bio
Enables or disables flood control
Set a custom goodbye message
Set the log channel
Will set your info
Set the rules for this chat
Will redirect you to pm, with all that chat's settings
Set a custom welcome message
Slap a user, or get slapped if not a reply
Reply to a sticker to me to tell you its file ID
Stop that filter
Decides if user gets kicked or banned when reaching warnlimit
Bans a user for x time
Gives the local time at the given place
Silences a user for x time
Tosses a coin
onverts text to speech
Looks up on the Urban Dictionary
Unbans a user
Remove triggers from the blacklist
Unlock items of a certain type
Unmutes a user
Unpins the currently pinned message
Remove a user's restrictions
Unset the log channel
Warn a user. After 3 warns, the user will be banned from the group
Get a user's number, and reason, of warnings
Set the warning limit
List of all current warning filters
Get weather info in a particular place
shows current welcome settings
Lookup on Wikipedia in language
zalgofy! your text
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