Daily Jokes |
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A selection of popular and funny jokes from around the Web! Laugh out loud with this hilarious gags
What can do this bot?A selection of popular and funny jokes from around the Web! Laugh out loud with this hilarious gags. The content of this collection is categorized in: + Dirty Jokes + Little Johnny +Yo' Mama +Women +Blondes +Marriage Jokes P.S: some contents may be inappropriate for minors. Maturity level recommended to use this app +16. Enjoy!
Hi. If you want to get a quote just send /quote
I will gladly Help you
Available Commands:
/quote - sends a quote
/help - sends help
/suggest - requests a suggestion
/rate - rates this bot on the store
/latest - sends the latest quote
/link - sends a quote with a link
/picture - sends a quote with as a picture
/contact - sends contact information
/channel - adds bot to channel
/randombot - sends a quote from another bot
/more - more excellent bots
/start - start receiving one quote each day
/stop - aborts your daily quote subscription
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».
Встраиваемый бот (Inline)
Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.
- @dailyjokesbot
- Joke