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Event Planner will manage events for you!

What can do this bot?I can help you create and manage events.
Here are the commands you can use with this bot.

/top - top 10 list
/create - create a new event
/search (keyword) - search events by keyword

You can ask for help in @event_planner

I can help you create and manage events.

Here are the commands you can use with this bot.

/top - top 10 list
/create - create a new event
/search (keyword) - search events by keyword
You can ask for help in @event_planner

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

top 10 list
create a new event
search events by keyword
Встраиваемый бот (Inline)

Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.

Enter event keywords here...
Поделиться ботом
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