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This bot can notify you when RSS feeds, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook profiles or hashtags are updated

What can do this bot?Feed2Telegram notifies you when RSS feeds, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook profiles or hashtags are updated

✅ Welcome to Feed2Telegram!

ℹ Feed2Telegram allows you to follow social media and RSS feeds and get notified when something new is posted.

Feed2Telegram supports almost any website, RSS feeds, X (Twitter), YouTube and VK.

ℹ To subscribe, send the bot a link to a profile or RSS feed (or ? Share from any app). For example:

ℹ The following bot commands are supported:

/add - add new feed
/list - view and manage feeds
/explore - explore popular feeds
/account - manage/upgrade your account
/stop - stop this bot

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Start bot
Add new feed
View and manage feeds
Explore popular feeds
Manage and upgrade account
Get help
Stop bot
Поделиться ботом
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