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The most useful analytics, spam filter, and useful tools for chats. Website: News: @Fullyst

What can do this bot?The most useful analytics, spam filter, voice-to-text conversion, and other useful tools for your chat.

Just add @FullystBot to your chat and bot will start working and making your chat a better place!

News: @Fullyst

?? Hello! I can help you get stats of chat, protect chat from spam and a lot of other awesome features, check details on my website

Please subscribe to our news channel to be the first to know about new features: @Fullyst!

?️ Привет! Я могу помочь тебе получить статистику чата в Telegram, защищать чат от спама и имею множество других функций, узнай детали на моём сайте

Чтобы первым узнавать о новых функциях, подпишитесь на наш канал: @Fullyst

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

get help information
configure the bot
get your statistics in the chat
get chat’s statistics
set the language for the bot
change privacy settings for the bot
get our list of MTProto proxies for Telegram
send report to the message for chat’s administrators (should be used as a reply to a message)
ban user (should be used as a reply to a message or /ban @username)
ban user and remove command and ban message should be used as a reply to a message or /ban @username)
increase warn level for a user (should be used as a reply to a message)
reset warn level for a user (should be used as a reply to a message)
vote that the message is spam (should be used as a reply to the message)
vote that the message is spam (should be used as a reply to the message)
show users rating by karma
update information about chat and clear all caches
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