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View users on a map 🌍, chat with people nearby and worldwide 📝 and share photos! 📸😊

What can do this bot?View users on a map 🌍, chat with people nearby and worldwide 📝 and share photos! 📸😊

View users on a map 🌍, chat with people nearby 📝 and share photos! 📸😊
On the Here I Am Map you can see 2153 people who sent 14377 messages to their surroundings.
Attention! Watch out the spies... 🕵
Have Fun! 😎

List of commands:
/begin - Where Are You? 📍
/nearme - List of the people nearest to you
/myhistory - Your latest chat
/spy - 🕵 „Spy“ on your last chat partner…
/map - Show all users on a map 🔍
/mapcomment - Update your comment for the map
/review - Please rate and review ⭐️📝🗣
/mybots - Try out my other great bots and Have Fun! 😎
/report - Report disturbing users 🚯
/help - What’s going on?!? ⁉️

Any suggestions are appreciated! Just leave a comment with some ideas for improvements.
Visit bot website for more information
Visit support group chat and I will gladly help you

Start by pressing on ➡️ /begin

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Where Are You? 📍
List of the people nearest to you
Your latest chat
🕵 „Spy“ on your last chat partner…
Show all users on a map 🔍
Update your comment for the map
Please rate and review ⭐️📝🗣
Try out my other great bots and Have Fun! 😎
Report disturbing users 🚯
What’s going on?!? ⁉️
Поделиться ботом
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