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Manage your heroku accounts. This bot is managed by @HKProjects. ??

What can do this bot?Bot can easily access your heroku account from telegram. Just send authentication token you are ready to use the bot.

You can check your apps logs, buildpacks, start app dyno, stop and restart app dyno using this bot. You can check your account usage also.

Few more features coming soon..❤️

Hello Info

Welcome to Telegram Heroku Manager. I was created by Md. Hasibul Kabir. Thanks for using Telegram Heroku Manager

No one gonna help you.

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Is this bot working?
Quota usage of default Heroku Account
Account page of default Heroku Account
List your Heroku Apps (default account)
List of all your Heroku Accounts
List of all your Schedules
Generate authorization URL
Generate an OAuth URL
Use this after clicking the link
Remove revoked accounts
Show information about GitHub account
Show Pending app transfer
Поделиться ботом
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