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We will send you daily one or more news about IT from best websites and quizzes.
Send /helpme for more info.

What can do this bot?We will send you daily one or more news about IT from best websites and quizzes.

But you can enjoy with:
/citation - Send an IT citation or quote
/vip - vip - Bored? Learn about them
/image - Send a funny image about it

/helpme - view this menu

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Thank you all.


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Use /stop to unsubscribe.

Vuoi creare il tuo bot di Telegram? Ecco come fare:

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Send an IT citation or quote
vip - Bored? Learn about them
Send a funny image about it
Sends a random algorithm in a random language
Встраиваемый бот (Inline)

Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.

web pages
Поделиться ботом
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