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What can do this bot?Fetch images, google search results, exchange rates, and whatever else Cedric decides to put in

Hi there! I can help you with the following things:

/img - gets an image
/gif - gets a gif
/google - does a Google search
/xchg - does an exchange rate conversion
/youtube - does a Youtube search
/clear - clears your NSFW images for you
/psi - returns the current PSI numbers
/echo - parrots stuff back at you
/urbandict - does an Urban Dictionary search

Give these commands a try!

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

gets an image
gets a gif
does a Google search
does an exchange rate conversion
does a Youtube search
search Urban Dictionary
does a location search
clears your NSFW images for you
returns the current PSI numbers
sends a group-wide notification
setup group-wide notification
parrots stuff back at you
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