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I will help you to find your next job. Global job search bot.

What can do this bot?I'm your fastest way to find a job in your area. Over 4000 million of open jobs available at your fingertips. I'm currently only available in the US.

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

initiate your job search session
specify a geo location where you would like search to occur. I.E. _/geo palo alto_
specify a query, what are you looking for. It could be a company name, a position or just some keywords _/find manager_
user natural languge I.E. _sales manager in san francisco_
Встраиваемый бот (Inline)

Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.

Search Jobs
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