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V-vuoi una lolibot nel tuo gruppo :3?
A-aggiungimi nyaaa ❤️

What can do this bot?C-ciao, vi sono mancata? q.q
(avviami con /start per saperne di più)

Non dimenticarti di consultare il nostro canale!

(Say: "Kai speak english" if you need)

Hi Bot Info Bot!
I'm Kai, a lolibot who loves to participate groups!
I'm a FanMade version since the original was not working at the moment of my creation.

@KaikyuLotus is my original creator~
@Uggohe is my actual creator~
A special thank goes to @Sandrooh

Add me to your groups, nyan! ❤️

FanMade bot

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

My triggers list😘
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