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2nd acc. → @karurosagu_shell_2nd_bot 3rd acc. → @karurosagu_shell_extra_bot 4th acc. → @karurosagu_shell_4th_bot

What can do this bot?Transloader, file management, File-to-link and massive work capabilities

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

About this bot
Beta feature, run without args to read info about the current beta
Show help
Current session data
Go to upper level directory
Change directory
List current directory contents
Automatic Directory Listing
Create new subdirectory
Move one or more elements or rename a single element
Rename multiple files
Delete one or more elements (IT DOES NOT ASK FOR CONFIRMATION)
Extraction tool
File or directory archiver
File encryption tools
Raw concatenator
Download a Telegram file from the chat to the bot
Web searcher. Returns compatible links
General purposes URL downloader
Google Drive downloader
HLS/VOD media streams downloader
Configuration tool for /video
MEGA downloader
MEGA account credentials for /megadl
Manga/Manhwa/Comics URL downloader
Activates/deactivates automatic downloads to the bot
Uploads files from the bot to the chat
Share files through the bot's internal web server (File-To-Link)
Queue manager
Sends cancelation request to a queue
Activate/deactivate queue brake
Display Telegram file information
Display information about an audio/video file
Take screenshots from a video file
Creates a GIF from a video file
Cuts a video or audio file
Concatenates video files or audio files
Adds a file (stream) to a video file
Creates an MKV file using different files
Extracts streams and attachments from a video or audio file
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