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Inline bot to attach a location based on its coordinates or name | @kozaloru |

What can do this bot?Inline bot to attach a location based on its coordinates or name.

Try to type:
@LocPlaceBot Eiffel Tower

Hello, Info!

I can help you to attach a location based on its coordinates or find a place by its textual address.

Just send me either the coordinates as is: 38.8976804, -77.0391101,
or the address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States,
or a textual description: White House Washington DC.

The same is available via inline queries: @LocPlaceBot Statue of Liberty

These commands are supported:
/help — print a help message
/loc — use this command to search for a place in a group chat since the bot has no access to usual messages.

This bot uses information from the following data sources:
— OpenStreetMap Nominatim
— Yandex Maps
— Google Maps

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

print a help message
use this command to search for a place in a group chat
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