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News - @SabrinaOfficial

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Hello New User My name is Sabrina!

I'm here to manage your groups!

Click Help button to find out more about how to use me to my full potential.

Join Support Chat ( @SabrinaChat ) if you need any support or help

Join ( @SabrinaOfficial ) if you want to keep up with the news, updates and bot downtime!

Made by @TechnoAyanOfficial

Want me to help you? Click Here!

Hello! my name Sabrina ✔.

Main available commands:
- /start: Start the bot...
- /help: help....
- /donate: To find out more about donating!
- /settings:
- in PM: To find out what SETTINGS you have set....
- in a group:

All of the following commands / or ! can be used...

And the following:

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

To Start The Bot
To Get Help Module
Поделиться ботом
Смотрите также
Error into the objects list function.