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What can do this bot?Enjoy hundreds of thoughts and quotes that come from the heart, and are shared by people from all over the world. You'll find words written out of joy, pain, longing and other emotions that love produces when it touches our hearts.

Hi. If you want to get a quote just send /quote

I will gladly Help you

Available Commands:

/quote - sends a quote
/help - sends help
/suggest - requests a suggestion
/rate - rates this bot on the store
/latest - sends the latest quote
/link - sends a quote with a link
/picture - sends a quote with as a picture
/contact - sends contact information
/channel - adds bot to channel
/randombot - sends a quote from another bot
/more - more excellent bots
/start - start receiving one quote each day
/stop - aborts your daily quote subscription

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

sends a quote
sends help
requests a suggestion
rates this bot on the store
sends the latest quote
sends a quote with a link
sends contact information
start receiving one quote each day
aborts your subscription to a daily quote
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