Добавить в BotoStore

Manage your group orders with messages. Add this boot to a group.

What can do this bot?Manage group orders with this bot. Add this bot to a group and use it to record what your group would ask for. /start

Add this bot to a group and use it to coordinate a group comanda.
To use it open its info page and select 'Add to group'
Then use /me to add your order to the comanda,
/pass to remove from it and /list to view all the group order.
Use this bot to coordinate for example bar or restaurant orders.

If you like it, vote for it at

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Add your as param
List order
Remove my order
Same as last send for me
Lock changes
Unlock changes
Clean all orders
Поделиться ботом
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