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? Subscribe to any artist and be notified about new tracks. Your music promotion @apasika

What can do this bot??? Subscribe to any artist and get notified of the artist's releases.

?? Подпишись на любого исполнителя и получай уведомления о его релизах.

??‍???‍? Enter any artist you want to follow:

👀 You subscribe to artist ->
🔔 I notify you when this artist release new song.

/start - let's go

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

my subscriptions
invite a friend
enable/disable remixes
top artists
burning release
notification balance
leave feedback
integrate bot with channels
my channels
my music promotion
русский язык
English language
lengua española
اختر اللغة العربية
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