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PolyBot. Every message received by this bot may be logged for testing purpose, thanks for your comprehension.

What can do this bot?PolyBot. Every message received by this bot may be logged for testing purpose, thanks for your comprehension. #Chiyo2018

/safebooru - Gets a random image corresponding to the tags from safebooru. rating:safe tag enforced. Takes at least one argument.
/sb - safebooru alias
/catgirl - Same as /safebooru, but searches for catgirls specificaly. arguments are optional.
/taglist - Returns a link to the safebooru taglist. Arguments are ignored
/akarin - URL shortener; return a shortened link of the argument. Accepts custom url as second argument
/waaai - akarin alias
/anilist - Anilist search

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

at least one argument
safebooru alias
no argument
arguments optional
obligatory argument for the url. custom shortened name optional
akarin alias
at least one argument: search MyAnimeList for anime matching the query and return the first result
full details of commands
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