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Telegram bot to reverse-search an image by comparing it to over 17.9 billion index images.

What can do this bot?I can reverse-search any image you send to me. Just send me a image and I will compare it to over 17.9 billion indexed images.

Hello. Please send me an image to reverse-search.

This bot can reverse-search images and gives you links where the image is used or similar images.

Use /reverse to start a reverse search or /similar to start a search for similar images. You can use /titles to only get the titles of webpage results. Use /caption to caption/describe an image.
You can also reply to an image with a command for perform the action.

If you're in a PM with me, you can just send me an image and I will perform a reverse-search by default.


Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Start a reverse image search
Find similar images
Only print titles
Caption/Describe an image
Show a helptext
Поделиться ботом
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