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📝 News: @allsavernews
🤝 Admin: @kamronbek_29

What can do this bot?🤖 Simple telegram bot to download music from SoundCloud. Send link and get your music. Also works in inline mode.

🤖 Простой телеграм бот для скачивания музыки с SoundCloud. Отправь ссылку и получи свою песню. Так же работает в инлайн режиме.

Выберите язык
Choose language

🤖 All bot commands:

/news - Bot news
/help - Get help
/lang - Change language
/ref_link - Get referral link and referral count.

📲 Bot can download music from Sound Cloud. To start downloading, send Sound Cloud music, album or playlist link to the bot. Downloading and sending the music takes from 1-2 minutes. Thank you for your patience!

🤝 Our bots:

@allsaverbot - Bot to download from YouTube
@isaverbot - Bot to download from Instagram
@fbsavebot - Bot to download from Facebook
@scsavebot - Bot to download from SoundCloud
@ttsavebot - Bot to download from TikTok
@vkmsaverbot - Bot to download from VK

‼️ Do not forget to follow our @allsavernews, where will be published all bot news.

❓ If you have any questions or there are some problems with bot, feel free to write to creator of the bot.

✅ Follow to admins Instagram account: Kamronbek_29

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

- Start using bot
- How to use bot
- Change language
Поделиться ботом
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