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What can do this bot?:us: Query the destiny about your future!.. with this Social Game!

:es: ¡Consulta el destino de tu futuro! .. con este juego social!

:de: Frage das Schicksal über deine Zukunft mit diesem Social Game ab!

:it: Interroga il destino sul tuo futuro!.. con questo Social Game!

:ru: Запросите судьбу о своем будущем! .. с помощью этой социальной игры!

:uz: Sizning kelajagingiz haqidagi taqdirni so'rang! .. Bu Ijtimoiy O'yin bilan!

Powered by @laiconbots

To work properly, this bot needs to store the following data: Telegram ID, username, language, questions, reports, answers, ban status.
None of the stored data will be shared with third parties or used for other purposes.
Do you agree to all this?

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

How it works
Info about diamonds 💎
Edit your language
Increase the probability to receive questions
No questions for 10 hours
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Show the sponsor of the week
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