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Chat with people on Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and WeChat anonymously. Line and Kik coming soon.

What can do this bot?Chat with random people on Telegram, Facebook Messenger, WeChat and WhatsApp anonymously. Find content like jokes and quotes and share them with your friends. Ask any question and get a quick and short answer.

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Get a list of available commands
Find a random person to chat with
Get a list of people you have chat with. Also shows you current active chat.
Ask me any question. I will try my best to give a quick short answer provided you format your question correctly. Send in this format:nn/question/When is Kenya's independence?nn/question/1 + 2nnOr, even give me some
Lets you report traffic incidents. Kenya only.
Lets you confirm whether a doctor or medical center is registered. Kenya only.
Get the latest news
Get a random joke
Get a random quote
Find more about a person. Use it like this: /asl/@username
Search users by gender. Send /search/male or /search/female
Lets you change the visibility of your profile. Send /visible/yes or /visible/no. For more, send /help/visible.
Lets you update your profile details.
Get a random soccer stat
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