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A.I based spleeter...get karoke version ??of your mp3's??dev @rayanfer . Feedback @spleeter2mp3fb

What can do this bot?A.I based music spleeter ...get karoke version ? of your mp3's !?

?Now supports extraction of multiple instruments??????... not just the music!?

? here?
/start -> Start the Spleeter
Type /help to get complete guide?
? Set the Bot
?️ /quality -> Of processed mp3's
?️ /tracks -> Mode of seperation
(Max mp3 size 20 mb)

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

? extract multiple instruments
? download quality of processed mp3's
ℹ️ help
⏲ check queue status.. the process uses :100: cpu!
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