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What can do this bot?Hello, this is spotify Music Downloader bot, Enjoy

whose ready to make some money
Join ? @liyubetting ?

Hi, Info!
I fetch tracks from YouTube Music!

Enter the artist or track name and I'll show you what I've found. Searching for lyrics also works!
Only HQ originals here, no low quality remixes or mic recordings!
All files are M4A AAC 128 Kbps, with album covers included!

Most tracks will appear instantly. Those are the tracks other users already searched for, and I keep them in my channel.
Others will take a few seconds to load.

☕️ By me coffee:
Visit my developer's blog for more!

Hi, New User!
I fetch tracks from YouTube Music!

Enter the artist or track name and I'll show you what I've found. Searching for lyrics also works!
Only HQ originals here, no low quality remixes or mic recordings!
All files are M4A AAC 128 Kbps, with album covers included!

Most tracks will appear instantly. Those are the tracks other users already searched for, and I keep them in my channel.
Others will take a few seconds to load.

☕️ By me coffee:
Visit my developer's blog for more!

Встраиваемый бот (Inline)

Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.

Input Musician Name
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