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An Automated BOT to help all the Technical Traders - A Product from Stock Phoenix

What can do this bot?Welcome to the Stock Phoenix Bot. Navigate the BOT as per the below buttons. You can reach us @StockPheonixTeam in case if you face any difficulties.

For any assistance, we're just a ping away 📧 @StockPhoenixTeam

By using this bot, you accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

FAQ and other stuff are coming.

We're just a ping away 📧 @StockPhoenixTeam
Bot commands for your reference.

/start - restart the bot
/help - help me out
/home - go to main menu
/myprofile - my Info
/technicals - go to technicals menu
/cancel - cancel the action
/resetwatermark - reset the watermark setting

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Restart the BOT
Go to main menu
Cancel any ongoing process
Get my ID
Technicals Menu
Premium Technicals Menu
Screener Menu
Crude Info
Filter Menu
DOW future index
Global future indexs
Get SGX Data
Set Watermark
Update your Profile
My Referrals Hits
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Error into the objects list function.