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Tcryptor 🔐 |
Encrypt and decrypt messages
What can do this bot?Tcryptor is a Telegram bot that can encrypt and decrypt messages to keep sensitive information private.
More info:
- Tcryptor never stores your messages or encryption keys
- If you loose your encryption key, your message is not recoverable
- You can encrypt the same message multiple times for added security, but don't forget your encryption keys and the order they were used in!
--= How to use Tcryptor =--
🔒 Encrypting Messages:
/encrypt [key] [message]
/encrypt 16_character_key This message will be encrypted
🔓 Decrypting Messages:
/decrypt [key] [message]
/decrypt 16_character_key Fx97xf1!xdax0f)xbcx17x18xaaxbcx93)xf8x04ex1bx1c|xfdx8cx9dx87;.xd7Axf8Xxebxbb
🔑 Encryption Key Criteria:
1. MUST be 16 or 24 characters long [If it is not, it will be converted]
2. Cannot contain spaces
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».