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Extract text from images using this bot

What can do this bot?This Bot can Extract text from images
Click Start to use this Bot.

Part of @botsbyamit
Made by @amit_y11

Hi! Info ?

I am an Optical Character Recognizer Bot ?.

Just send a clear image ?️ and I will recognize the text in the image and send it as a message!
Get the list of commands by /help

List of commands available:
/start - To start the bot
/usage - To get your usage info
/setlanguage - To set the default language
/upgrade - To upgrade your subscription plan
/help - To show this message
/contact - To get contact of the developer
/donate - To donate to the developer

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

To start the bot
To get your usage info
To set the default language
To upgrade your subscription plan
To get help message
To get contact of the developer
To login to
Поделиться ботом
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