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This Telegram bot provides all the information you need about the characters in OPTC. Coded by Trashbytes and stereo89.

What can do this bot?This Telegram bot provides all the information you need about the characters in One Piece Treasure Cruise.
Coded by Trashbytes and stereo89.
Maintained by Intervencion.


Inline Mode:

Use it in any chat.
1. Type @TreasureCruiseBot followed by keywords
2. Tap on a search result to get detailed information

Command Mode:

Use it in groups.
1. Send /search to search for a unit
2. Send your keywords
3. Tap on a search result to get detailed information

Talk to it directly.
1. Send your keywords
2. Tap on a search result to get detailed information

Additional commands:
/supergroup - join our crew
/inline - inline mode explained
/command - command mode explained
/rate - rate this bot on @Storebot
/notice - check the developer notice
/random - get a random unit
/bonus - a link to the bonus table
/drops - a link to the drops page
/github - a link to the Sourcecode
/help - see this

Have fun!
Developed by trashbytes
Maintained by @Intervencion and @stereo89

Database: 2018-11-14

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

join our crew
inline mode explained
command mode explained
rate this bot on @Storebot
check the developer notice
get a random unit
a link to the bonus table
a link to the drops page
a link to the Sourcecode
see this
ship + shipname to search for the ships!
Встраиваемый бот (Inline)

Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.

Search OPTC characters
Поделиться ботом
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