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The bot ensures that your website was always online. In the case of status changes, the bot will inform you.

This is telegram bot to check that the site is alive.

The bot ensures that your website was always online. In the case of status changes, the bot will tell you that you need to pay attention to the site. The website is checked for availability every 5 minutes.


/help - Help
/list - Show yours added urls
/add - Add new url for monitoring
/del - Remove exist url
/test - Test current status code for url right now
/whois - Make whois for url right now
/generate_passwords - Returns 10 random letter+numeric strings

Url format is http[s]://
For example:


Contact author: @crusat

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Show yours added urls
Add new url for monitoring
Remove exist url
Test current status code for url right now
Make whois for url right now
Returns 10 random letter+numeric strings
Поделиться ботом
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