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This BOT allow you to watch photos from more then 300 CAMs and vote them. Generate gif and push notification

What can do this bot?This BOT allow you to watch photos from more then 100 CAM, generate GIF, notify gif and photo (on demand or autorefresh). Now you can vote each camera of the bot.

Ecco il menù principale. Naviga tra le tante nuove funzionalità o prova le funzioni /random (o /randomgif) oppure digita direttamente la telecamera che vuoi ricercare preceduta da * (es. *roma)! You can set Language with the botton Languages! Try too /random or /randomgif functions or digit a search like *Taormina or *New York (you can write only a word part).

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

main menu
most voted camera by user in this bot
send a random photo camera
send a random gif
stop receive autorefresh camera
Поделиться ботом
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