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Yee bot, the best friend on Telegram. Yee, the most popular funny video.
My username have 17 "e"

What can do this bot?Hi! I am Yee Bot, I can say Yee and make you happy.
Type or click the commands to play Yee bot.
/yee:Say "YEE"
/paa:Say "PAA"
/sticker:Send a sticker
/doyouloveme:Do you love me?
/howto:How to use Yee bot?
/story:Yee Youtube original video
/creator:Who create Yee bot?
Compatible with groups.
Bug report/Q&A:@wolukos

Hi! I am Yee Bot, I can say Yee and make you happy.
Type or click the commands to play Yee bot.
/yee:Say "YEE"
/paa:Say "PAA"
/sticker:Send a sticker
/doyouloveme:Do you love me?
/howto:How to use Yee bot?
/story:Yee Youtube original video
/creator:Who create Yee bot?
Compatible with groups.
Bug report/Q&A:@wolukos

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Use /stop to unsubscribe.

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Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

Say "YEE"
Say "PAA"
Send sticker to you
Ture love
Just use it
The home of YEE
Who create Yee bot?
About Yee bot
What you want say to Yee bot?
Поделиться ботом
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