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Just add me to your group and I will ban spam links. Support: @askbastard_bot News: @youbstrd

Hey Info Botostore, glad to see you here!

I block unwanted messages and spammers in your chats.

▫️ I do remove 'user joined/left the group' & 'group title/photo change' notifications

▫️ I block anonymous messages posted on behalf of other channels and groups

▫️ I block suspicious channel mentions, invite links, short urls and bot referral links

▫️ I never touch chat admins

▫️ I always notify all the admins who started this bot about each suspicious message

▫️ I restrict users for only 5 minutes, while admins can decide to ban them forever or unban via my notifications

No extra settings required.

If you want to start, add me to your chat as an admin and give me the rights:

1. To delete messages (optional)
2. To ban (restrict) users (optional)

If you disable both, I will only notify the admins about suspicious messages.

Just like that.


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