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Convert cryptocurrency and fiat money.
Use it in any chat!
By @Jahus & @mohus.

What can do this bot?Convert cryptocurrency and fiat in Telegram chats

💬 In any chat, use:
@CryptoConvBot [amount]
: @CryptoConvBot doge btc
: @CryptoConvBot 3 btc usd
For more help, send /help in private.

👏 This bot has been serving since 2015. If you appreciate it, please consider donating to help us keep our services free of charge and free of any form of advertisement.
ETH/ETC: 0x624688e4012c9E6Be7239BeA0A575F8e41B4B3B6

🤓 @Jahus
🤓 @mohus

Hi !
Use /help to see how I can help you.


🔄 Conversion:
/convert [amount]
:: /convert ETH USD
:: /convert 3 ETC USD

👀 Ticker:
:: /ticker PND

📈 Snapshot of a coin:
:: /snap BCH

↪ Inline mode:
You can summon me from any chat by writing @CryptoConvBot.
:: @CryptoConvBot DOGE BTC
:: @CryptoConvBot 5 NEO EUR

🤓 Any question or suggestion?
Contact @Jahus or @mohus.

ℹ Use /about to learn more about me and my creators.

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

[amount] Convert from coin1 to coin2. Optionnally, you can specify an amount to convert.
Show coin price in Bitcoin Core (BTC). May be returned in Satoshi (1 SAT = 10^-8 BTC).
Get a snapshot of the coin, with actual price, volume, marketcap and 24h change.
(Admins only) Enable or disable the greetings sent by the bot when a user joins or leaves a group.
Встраиваемый бот (Inline)

Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.

[amount] <coin1> <coin2>
Поделиться ботом
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