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Create Telegram Stickers and get usage stats for your stickers with this bot.

What can do this bot?This bot will help you create Telegram sticker packs from pictures. It can also give you some usage stats for your stickers. Supported commands:
/newpack - create a new sticker pack
/addsticker - add a sticker to an existing pack
/delsticker - remove a sticker from an existing pack
/ordersticker - reorder stickers in a pack
/stats - get stats for a sticker
/top - get top stickers
/packstats - get stats for a sticker pack
/packtop - get sticker packs top
/cancel - cancel the current operation

Hello, I'm the Sticker Bot! I can create sticker packs from pictures and give you some usage stats for your stickers. Use these commands to control me:

Stickers & Masks
/newpack - create a new sticker pack
/newmasks - create a new pack of masks
/addsticker - add a sticker to an existing pack
/editsticker - change emoji or coordinates
/ordersticker - reorder stickers in a pack
/delsticker - remove a sticker from an existing pack
/delpack - delete a pack

/stats - get stats for a sticker
/top - get top stickers
/packstats - get stats for a sticker pack
/packtop - get sticker packs top
/topbypack - get top stickers in a pack
/packusagetop - get usage stats for your packs

/cancel - cancel the current operation

Команды бота

Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».

create a new sticker pack
create a new pack of masks
add a sticker to an existing pack
change emoji or coordinates
reorder stickers in a pack
remove a sticker from an existing pack
delete a pack
get stats for a sticker
get top stickers
get stats for a sticker pack
get sticker packs top
get top stickers in a pack
get usage stats for your packs
cancel the current operation
Встраиваемый бот (Inline)

Бот вызывается по @нику в поле ввода любого чата, далее запрос через пробел.

Select sticker
Поделиться ботом
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